20 May 2021

Smart Yachts has been appointed an official Fiart dealer in Monaco, Russia and Estonia

Fiart has been building open yachts up to 20 meters since 1960.

Fiart Yacht is a true private island on the water, where you can enjoy water toys and sunbathing with your family or friends.

You can use Fiart as a dayboat or as a chase boat - a great tender for your luxury superyacht.

Order a yacht now and it will be delivered as soon as possible!

Yachts available for order:

Fiart 52 | 17.13m

Fiart 52.jpg 

Fiart 47 | 14.65m


Fiart 44 | 13.86m


Fiart 43 Seawalker | 13.84m

Sw 43 last 3.jpg

Fiart 40 | 11.87m

F.40 Open Cruise.jpg

Fiart 34 | 10.89m

Fiart 34 2.jpg

Fiart 33 Seawalker | 10.40m

F.33 Seawalker.jpg

New Fiart models will be showcased at the Cannes Yachting Festival 7-12 September 2021.

    [PREVIEW_TEXT] => Smart Yachts has been appointed an official Fiart dealer in Monaco, Russia and Estonia
    [~PREVIEW_TEXT] => Smart Yachts has been appointed an official Fiart dealer in Monaco, Russia and Estonia
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Smart Yachts has been appointed an official Fiart dealer in Monaco, Russia and Estonia

Fiart has been building open yachts up to 20 meters since 1960.

Fiart Yacht is a true private island on the water, where you can enjoy water toys and sunbathing with your family or friends.

You can use Fiart as a dayboat or as a chase boat - a great tender for your luxury superyacht.

Order a yacht now and it will be delivered as soon as possible!

Yachts available for order:

Fiart 52 | 17.13m

Fiart 52.jpg 

Fiart 47 | 14.65m


Fiart 44 | 13.86m


Fiart 43 Seawalker | 13.84m

Sw 43 last 3.jpg

Fiart 40 | 11.87m

F.40 Open Cruise.jpg

Fiart 34 | 10.89m

Fiart 34 2.jpg

Fiart 33 Seawalker | 10.40m

F.33 Seawalker.jpg

New Fiart models will be showcased at the Cannes Yachting Festival 7-12 September 2021.


Smart Yachts has been appointed an official Fiart dealer in Monaco, Russia and Estonia

Fiart has been building open yachts up to 20 meters since 1960.

Fiart Yacht is a true private island on the water, where you can enjoy water toys and sunbathing with your family or friends.

You can use Fiart as a dayboat or as a chase boat - a great tender for your luxury superyacht.

Order a yacht now and it will be delivered as soon as possible!

Yachts available for order:

Fiart 52 | 17.13m

Fiart 52.jpg 

Fiart 47 | 14.65m


Fiart 44 | 13.86m


Fiart 43 Seawalker | 13.84m

Sw 43 last 3.jpg

Fiart 40 | 11.87m

F.40 Open Cruise.jpg

Fiart 34 | 10.89m

Fiart 34 2.jpg

Fiart 33 Seawalker | 10.40m

F.33 Seawalker.jpg

New Fiart models will be showcased at the Cannes Yachting Festival 7-12 September 2021.

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Smart Yachts has been appointed an official Fiart dealer in Monaco, Russia and Estonia

Fiart has been building open yachts up to 20 meters since 1960.

Fiart Yacht is a true private island on the water, where you can enjoy water toys and sunbathing with your family or friends.

You can use Fiart as a dayboat or as a chase boat - a great tender for your luxury superyacht.

Order a yacht now and it will be delivered as soon as possible!

Yachts available for order:

Fiart 52 | 17.13m

Fiart 52.jpg 

Fiart 47 | 14.65m


Fiart 44 | 13.86m


Fiart 43 Seawalker | 13.84m

Sw 43 last 3.jpg

Fiart 40 | 11.87m

F.40 Open Cruise.jpg

Fiart 34 | 10.89m

Fiart 34 2.jpg

Fiart 33 Seawalker | 10.40m

F.33 Seawalker.jpg

New Fiart models will be showcased at the Cannes Yachting Festival 7-12 September 2021.

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