Galeon Yachts will not take part in Boot Düsseldorf
The renowned Polish shipyard Galeon Yachts announces they will not take part in Boot Düsseldorf 2022 due to health safety concerns. For the same reasons, Fairline and Sanlorenzo & BlueGame shipyards withdrew from the show.
The growing number of cases of Corona, not only in Germany but worldwide, as well as the new Omicron version have caused serious concerns among Galeon's partners and clients.
In addition, travelling and attending public events is again becoming very problematic. Many of them require a number of tests and quarantines. Many Galeon Yachts clients who have been vaccinated with Sputnik V cannot attend the show at all.
Since Galeon Yachts cannot risk the health of their clients, employees and partners, it was decided to officially withdraw their participation. The shipyard's representatives hope to meet in 2023 under more favourable and safer conditions.
Array ( [NAME] => Galeon Yachts will not take part in Boot Dusseldorf [~NAME] => Galeon Yachts will not take part in Boot Dusseldorf [PREVIEW_TEXT] => Galeon Yachts announces they will not take part in the show due to health safety concerns [~PREVIEW_TEXT] => Galeon Yachts announces they will not take part in the show due to health safety concerns [PREVIEW_PICTURE] => Array ( [ID] => 6775 [TIMESTAMP_X] => 07/12/2023 04:04:14 pm [MODULE_ID] => iblock [HEIGHT] => 1080 [WIDTH] => 1920 [FILE_SIZE] => 40754 [CONTENT_TYPE] => image/jpeg [SUBDIR] => iblock/d7e [FILE_NAME] => d7e6b3fd4de84078ac044407c59a3e72.jpg [ORIGINAL_NAME] => Дизайн без названия.jpg [DESCRIPTION] => [HANDLER_ID] => [EXTERNAL_ID] => 48587863a03ba33b853533b4d6bfd06d [VERSION_ORIGINAL_ID] => [META] => [SRC] => /upload/iblock/d7e/d7e6b3fd4de84078ac044407c59a3e72.jpg [UNSAFE_SRC] => /upload/iblock/d7e/d7e6b3fd4de84078ac044407c59a3e72.jpg [SAFE_SRC] => /upload/iblock/d7e/d7e6b3fd4de84078ac044407c59a3e72.jpg [ALT] => Galeon Yachts will not take part in Boot Dusseldorf [TITLE] => Galeon Yachts will not take part in Boot Dusseldorf ) [~PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 6775 [DETAIL_TEXT] =>Galeon Yachts will not take part in Boot Düsseldorf
The renowned Polish shipyard Galeon Yachts announces they will not take part in Boot Düsseldorf 2022 due to health safety concerns. For the same reasons, Fairline and Sanlorenzo & BlueGame shipyards withdrew from the show.
The growing number of cases of Corona, not only in Germany but worldwide, as well as the new Omicron version have caused serious concerns among Galeon's partners and clients.
In addition, travelling and attending public events is again becoming very problematic. Many of them require a number of tests and quarantines. Many Galeon Yachts clients who have been vaccinated with Sputnik V cannot attend the show at all.
Since Galeon Yachts cannot risk the health of their clients, employees and partners, it was decided to officially withdraw their participation. The shipyard's representatives hope to meet in 2023 under more favourable and safer conditions.[~DETAIL_TEXT] =>
Galeon Yachts will not take part in Boot Düsseldorf
The renowned Polish shipyard Galeon Yachts announces they will not take part in Boot Düsseldorf 2022 due to health safety concerns. For the same reasons, Fairline and Sanlorenzo & BlueGame shipyards withdrew from the show.
The growing number of cases of Corona, not only in Germany but worldwide, as well as the new Omicron version have caused serious concerns among Galeon's partners and clients.
In addition, travelling and attending public events is again becoming very problematic. Many of them require a number of tests and quarantines. Many Galeon Yachts clients who have been vaccinated with Sputnik V cannot attend the show at all.
Since Galeon Yachts cannot risk the health of their clients, employees and partners, it was decided to officially withdraw their participation. The shipyard's representatives hope to meet in 2023 under more favourable and safer conditions.[DETAIL_PICTURE] => [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => [DATE_CREATE] => 12/17/2021 11:38:42 am [~DATE_CREATE] => 12/17/2021 11:38:42 am [ID] => 2210 [~ID] => 2210 [IBLOCK_ID] => 22 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 22 [IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 20 [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 20 [DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => html [~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => html [PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => html [~PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => html [TIMESTAMP_X] => 07/12/2023 04:04:14 pm [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 07/12/2023 04:04:14 pm [ACTIVE_FROM] => 12/17/2021 11:36:00 am [~ACTIVE_FROM] => 12/17/2021 11:36:00 am [LIST_PAGE_URL] => /about/blog/ [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /about/blog/ [DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /about/blog/events/galeon-yachts-will-not-take-part-in-boot-d-sseldorf/ [~DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /about/blog/events/galeon-yachts-will-not-take-part-in-boot-d-sseldorf/ [LANG_DIR] => / [~LANG_DIR] => / [CODE] => galeon-yachts-will-not-take-part-in-boot-d-sseldorf [~CODE] => galeon-yachts-will-not-take-part-in-boot-d-sseldorf [EXTERNAL_ID] => 2210 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 2210 [IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => about [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => about [IBLOCK_CODE] => articles_en [~IBLOCK_CODE] => articles_en [IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => [LID] => s1 [~LID] => s1 [NAV_RESULT] => [NAV_CACHED_DATA] => [DISPLAY_ACTIVE_FROM] => 17.12.2021 [IPROPERTY_VALUES] => Array ( [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => Galeon Yachts will not take part in Boot Dusseldorf | Smart Yachts [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => Galeon Yachts announces they will not take part in the show due to health safety concerns ) [FIELDS] => Array ( [NAME] => Galeon Yachts will not take part in Boot Dusseldorf [PREVIEW_TEXT] => Galeon Yachts announces they will not take part in the show due to health safety concerns [PREVIEW_PICTURE] => Array ( [ID] => 6775 [TIMESTAMP_X] => 07/12/2023 04:04:14 pm [MODULE_ID] => iblock [HEIGHT] => 1080 [WIDTH] => 1920 [FILE_SIZE] => 40754 [CONTENT_TYPE] => image/jpeg [SUBDIR] => iblock/d7e [FILE_NAME] => d7e6b3fd4de84078ac044407c59a3e72.jpg [ORIGINAL_NAME] => Дизайн без названия.jpg [DESCRIPTION] => [HANDLER_ID] => [EXTERNAL_ID] => 48587863a03ba33b853533b4d6bfd06d [VERSION_ORIGINAL_ID] => [META] => [SRC] => /upload/iblock/d7e/d7e6b3fd4de84078ac044407c59a3e72.jpg [UNSAFE_SRC] => /upload/iblock/d7e/d7e6b3fd4de84078ac044407c59a3e72.jpg [SAFE_SRC] => /upload/iblock/d7e/d7e6b3fd4de84078ac044407c59a3e72.jpg [ALT] => Galeon Yachts will not take part in Boot Dusseldorf [TITLE] => Galeon Yachts will not take part in Boot Dusseldorf ) [DETAIL_TEXT] =>
Galeon Yachts will not take part in Boot Düsseldorf
The renowned Polish shipyard Galeon Yachts announces they will not take part in Boot Düsseldorf 2022 due to health safety concerns. For the same reasons, Fairline and Sanlorenzo & BlueGame shipyards withdrew from the show.
The growing number of cases of Corona, not only in Germany but worldwide, as well as the new Omicron version have caused serious concerns among Galeon's partners and clients.
In addition, travelling and attending public events is again becoming very problematic. Many of them require a number of tests and quarantines. Many Galeon Yachts clients who have been vaccinated with Sputnik V cannot attend the show at all.
Since Galeon Yachts cannot risk the health of their clients, employees and partners, it was decided to officially withdraw their participation. The shipyard's representatives hope to meet in 2023 under more favourable and safer conditions.[DETAIL_PICTURE] => [DATE_CREATE] => 12/17/2021 11:38:42 am ) [PROPERTIES] => Array ( [GALERY] => Array ( [ID] => 78 [TIMESTAMP_X] => 2023-06-20 22:32:51 [IBLOCK_ID] => 22 [NAME] => Галерея [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => GALERY [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => F [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => Y [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [TMP_ID] => [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 1 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => a:0:{} [HINT] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => [VALUE] => [DESCRIPTION] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [~VALUE] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Галерея [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => ) ) [DISPLAY_PROPERTIES] => Array ( ) [IBLOCK] => Array ( [ID] => 22 [~ID] => 22 [TIMESTAMP_X] => 08/30/2023 03:19:03 pm [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 08/30/2023 03:19:03 pm [IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => about [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => about [LID] => s1 [~LID] => s1 [CODE] => articles_en [~CODE] => articles_en [API_CODE] => [~API_CODE] => [NAME] => Статьи EN [~NAME] => Статьи EN [ACTIVE] => Y [~ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [~SORT] => 500 [LIST_PAGE_URL] => /about/blog/ [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /about/blog/ [DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => #SITE_DIR#about/blog/#SECTION_CODE#/#ELEMENT_CODE#/ [~DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => #SITE_DIR#about/blog/#SECTION_CODE#/#ELEMENT_CODE#/ [SECTION_PAGE_URL] => #SITE_DIR#about/blog/#SECTION_CODE#/ [~SECTION_PAGE_URL] => #SITE_DIR#about/blog/#SECTION_CODE#/ [CANONICAL_PAGE_URL] => [~CANONICAL_PAGE_URL] => [PICTURE] => [~PICTURE] => [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text [~DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text [RSS_TTL] => 24 [~RSS_TTL] => 24 [RSS_ACTIVE] => Y [~RSS_ACTIVE] => Y [RSS_FILE_ACTIVE] => N [~RSS_FILE_ACTIVE] => N [RSS_FILE_LIMIT] => [~RSS_FILE_LIMIT] => [RSS_FILE_DAYS] => [~RSS_FILE_DAYS] => [RSS_YANDEX_ACTIVE] => N [~RSS_YANDEX_ACTIVE] => N [XML_ID] => [~XML_ID] => [TMP_ID] => 8b33d8797d59c1a0b99d76d84e6d38ec [~TMP_ID] => 8b33d8797d59c1a0b99d76d84e6d38ec [INDEX_ELEMENT] => Y [~INDEX_ELEMENT] => Y [INDEX_SECTION] => Y [~INDEX_SECTION] => Y [WORKFLOW] => N [~WORKFLOW] => N [BIZPROC] => N [~BIZPROC] => N [SECTION_CHOOSER] => L [~SECTION_CHOOSER] => L [LIST_MODE] => [~LIST_MODE] => [RIGHTS_MODE] => S [~RIGHTS_MODE] => S [SECTION_PROPERTY] => Y [~SECTION_PROPERTY] => Y [PROPERTY_INDEX] => N [~PROPERTY_INDEX] => N [VERSION] => 1 [~VERSION] => 1 [LAST_CONV_ELEMENT] => 0 [~LAST_CONV_ELEMENT] => 0 [SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => [~SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => [EDIT_FILE_BEFORE] => [~EDIT_FILE_BEFORE] => [EDIT_FILE_AFTER] => [~EDIT_FILE_AFTER] => [SECTIONS_NAME] => Разделы [~SECTIONS_NAME] => Разделы [SECTION_NAME] => Раздел [~SECTION_NAME] => Раздел [ELEMENTS_NAME] => Элементы [~ELEMENTS_NAME] => Элементы [ELEMENT_NAME] => Элемент [~ELEMENT_NAME] => Элемент [REST_ON] => N [~REST_ON] => N [EXTERNAL_ID] => [~EXTERNAL_ID] => [LANG_DIR] => / [~LANG_DIR] => / [SERVER_NAME] => smartyachts.com [~SERVER_NAME] => smartyachts.com ) [SECTION] => Array ( [PATH] => Array ( ) ) [SECTION_URL] => [META_TAGS] => Array ( [TITLE] => Galeon Yachts will not take part in Boot Dusseldorf [ELEMENT_CHAIN] => Galeon Yachts will not take part in Boot Dusseldorf [BROWSER_TITLE] => Galeon Yachts will not take part in Boot Dusseldorf | Smart Yachts [KEYWORDS] => [DESCRIPTION] => Galeon Yachts announces they will not take part in the show due to health safety concerns ) )
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