Home About us Blog BOOT DUSSELDORF 2022


From 22 to 30 January 2022, the Boot Düsseldorf show is preparing to open its doors to visitors. This is the first exhibition after the pandemic!

On 220,000 square metres, you can see everything from water toys to superyachts. In 17 exhibition halls, more than 1,900 exhibitors will showcase their models, world premieres and the latest innovations. The Galeon shipyard, in cooperation with Smart Yachts, will present the following models:

Galeon 640 FLY
Galeon 510 SKY
Galeon 425 HTS
Galeon 405 HTS

640 FLY
The Galeon 640 FLY is equipped with a "beach mode" - the sides of the boat fold out and increase the cockpit space to 7.4m.  Access to the bow through the windshield. Winner of the Motor Boats & Yachting Awards 2019 and World Yacht Trophies 2018
1.jpg  2.jpg

510 SKY
The Galeon 510 SKY combines the advantages of a classic flybridge and a sporty hardtop yacht with a glass sunroof in the saloon and a sliding canopy over the upper deck, where the second helm station is located. Beach mode allows you to increase the beam of the boat to 6 metres
510 065054.jpg  510 230496.jpg

425 HTS
Galeon 425 HTS has a glass sunroof, huge windows in the saloon and a cockpit door that connects the entire main deck space. Galley, full beam master stateroom and forward stateroom are on lower deck
425 83545552252q9.jpg  425 8343352q9.jpg

405 HTS
The Galeon 405 HTS features a large swim platform and an inflatable tender garage that opens at the touch of a button. Panoramic glazing and sliding sunroof in the cabin, extended roof over the cockpit area for additional sun protection
405 29239.jpg  405 5н423234.jpg
If you’re interested in participating, please contact us:
Phone / WA +33 7 52 07 05 50
Email julia@smartyachts.com

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    [~PREVIEW_TEXT] => The boat show is taking place from 22 to 30 January 2022
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From 22 to 30 January 2022, the Boot Düsseldorf show is preparing to open its doors to visitors. This is the first exhibition after the pandemic!

On 220,000 square metres, you can see everything from water toys to superyachts. In 17 exhibition halls, more than 1,900 exhibitors will showcase their models, world premieres and the latest innovations. The Galeon shipyard, in cooperation with Smart Yachts, will present the following models:

Galeon 640 FLY
Galeon 510 SKY
Galeon 425 HTS
Galeon 405 HTS

640 FLY
The Galeon 640 FLY is equipped with a "beach mode" - the sides of the boat fold out and increase the cockpit space to 7.4m.  Access to the bow through the windshield. Winner of the Motor Boats & Yachting Awards 2019 and World Yacht Trophies 2018
1.jpg  2.jpg

510 SKY
The Galeon 510 SKY combines the advantages of a classic flybridge and a sporty hardtop yacht with a glass sunroof in the saloon and a sliding canopy over the upper deck, where the second helm station is located. Beach mode allows you to increase the beam of the boat to 6 metres
510 065054.jpg  510 230496.jpg

425 HTS
Galeon 425 HTS has a glass sunroof, huge windows in the saloon and a cockpit door that connects the entire main deck space. Galley, full beam master stateroom and forward stateroom are on lower deck
425 83545552252q9.jpg  425 8343352q9.jpg

405 HTS
The Galeon 405 HTS features a large swim platform and an inflatable tender garage that opens at the touch of a button. Panoramic glazing and sliding sunroof in the cabin, extended roof over the cockpit area for additional sun protection
405 29239.jpg  405 5н423234.jpg
If you’re interested in participating, please contact us:
Phone / WA +33 7 52 07 05 50
Email julia@smartyachts.com



From 22 to 30 January 2022, the Boot Düsseldorf show is preparing to open its doors to visitors. This is the first exhibition after the pandemic!

On 220,000 square metres, you can see everything from water toys to superyachts. In 17 exhibition halls, more than 1,900 exhibitors will showcase their models, world premieres and the latest innovations. The Galeon shipyard, in cooperation with Smart Yachts, will present the following models:

Galeon 640 FLY
Galeon 510 SKY
Galeon 425 HTS
Galeon 405 HTS

640 FLY
The Galeon 640 FLY is equipped with a "beach mode" - the sides of the boat fold out and increase the cockpit space to 7.4m.  Access to the bow through the windshield. Winner of the Motor Boats & Yachting Awards 2019 and World Yacht Trophies 2018
1.jpg  2.jpg

510 SKY
The Galeon 510 SKY combines the advantages of a classic flybridge and a sporty hardtop yacht with a glass sunroof in the saloon and a sliding canopy over the upper deck, where the second helm station is located. Beach mode allows you to increase the beam of the boat to 6 metres
510 065054.jpg  510 230496.jpg

425 HTS
Galeon 425 HTS has a glass sunroof, huge windows in the saloon and a cockpit door that connects the entire main deck space. Galley, full beam master stateroom and forward stateroom are on lower deck
425 83545552252q9.jpg  425 8343352q9.jpg

405 HTS
The Galeon 405 HTS features a large swim platform and an inflatable tender garage that opens at the touch of a button. Panoramic glazing and sliding sunroof in the cabin, extended roof over the cockpit area for additional sun protection
405 29239.jpg  405 5н423234.jpg
If you’re interested in participating, please contact us:
Phone / WA +33 7 52 07 05 50
Email julia@smartyachts.com

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From 22 to 30 January 2022, the Boot Düsseldorf show is preparing to open its doors to visitors. This is the first exhibition after the pandemic!

On 220,000 square metres, you can see everything from water toys to superyachts. In 17 exhibition halls, more than 1,900 exhibitors will showcase their models, world premieres and the latest innovations. The Galeon shipyard, in cooperation with Smart Yachts, will present the following models:

Galeon 640 FLY
Galeon 510 SKY
Galeon 425 HTS
Galeon 405 HTS

640 FLY
The Galeon 640 FLY is equipped with a "beach mode" - the sides of the boat fold out and increase the cockpit space to 7.4m.  Access to the bow through the windshield. Winner of the Motor Boats & Yachting Awards 2019 and World Yacht Trophies 2018
1.jpg  2.jpg

510 SKY
The Galeon 510 SKY combines the advantages of a classic flybridge and a sporty hardtop yacht with a glass sunroof in the saloon and a sliding canopy over the upper deck, where the second helm station is located. Beach mode allows you to increase the beam of the boat to 6 metres
510 065054.jpg  510 230496.jpg

425 HTS
Galeon 425 HTS has a glass sunroof, huge windows in the saloon and a cockpit door that connects the entire main deck space. Galley, full beam master stateroom and forward stateroom are on lower deck
425 83545552252q9.jpg  425 8343352q9.jpg

405 HTS
The Galeon 405 HTS features a large swim platform and an inflatable tender garage that opens at the touch of a button. Panoramic glazing and sliding sunroof in the cabin, extended roof over the cockpit area for additional sun protection
405 29239.jpg  405 5н423234.jpg
If you’re interested in participating, please contact us:
Phone / WA +33 7 52 07 05 50
Email julia@smartyachts.com

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